
Goal 10 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) aims to reduce inequalities within
and among countries, such as gender, income, ethnicity and access to health or education.
SDG10 works towards progressively achieving and sustaining the income growth of the
bottom 40 percent of the population and empowering and promoting the social,
economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability,
race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.


B40 families earn a household income of less than RM4,850 a month. This category continues
to grow, widening the inequality gap and putting more families, women and children at risk.
Without adequate savings as a financial cushion to fall back on, more families are left to rely
heavily on financial assistance by the Government; most of whom are unaware of
the benefits rendered by government agencies.


To establish a Social Safety Net for B40 families by raising
awareness on existing initiatives and connecting them to government agencies,
private entities and NGOs that can assist them with essential assistance.
This social safety net acts as a social protection system that aims to mitigate the impact of
unprecedented events such as the pandemic by cushioning
B40 families from falling below their current standard of living.

Project Entrepreneur

Transforming businesses by offering free training for 10,000 new and existing entrepreneurs.


A nation building initiative designed to help job seekers identify the skills and training needed to support their career, and connect with employment opportunities.


A BAC Food Bank initiative dedicated to eradicating food poverty in Malaysia by providing dry rations and cooked food to people struggling with hunger and food insecurity.


In line with SDG10, BAC Education Group will launch ‘BACking B40’ which focuses on identifying and building strong connections to Community Leaders and Association Presidents of PPR communities to better understand and meet their most immediate needs. Besides giving resources such as food aid, entrepreneurial classes and devices, this project also intends to connect these communities to representatives from government agencies such as Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives, SMIDEC, TEKUN, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat and LPPKN, who will be the bedframe of this projects social safety net.

BACking B40 hopes to create a larger community of B40 families that has clear connections to society at large. A larger support system will guarantee no family is neglected or falls below their means.