On 20th October 2021, 5 sets of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) were delivered to the Emergency & Trauma Department of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. These medical equipment were handed over to the hospital by Gordon and Dr. Tan from Rotary Club Pantai Valley.
The effects of COVID-19 on patients are not restricted to the lungs. Facing up to the pandemic, Covid-19 patients are developing heart problems and also dying of cardiac arrest. This has led to an increasing demand for AEDs.
The AED is a type of computerized defibrillator that automatically analyses the heart rhythm in people who are experiencing Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). SCA is a situation in which the heart is no longer able to pump blood around the body due to chaotic fast heart rhythm. Hence, the response time to SCA is critical for survival.
The function of an AED is to revive someone from SCA by delivering an electrical shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm. The sooner the heart’s normal rhythm is restored, the lower the risk of causing permanent damage to the brain and other organs. It strengthens the chain of survival.
We hope that with your generous contributions, CovidFund will be able to procure more life saving medical equipment for hospitals throughout the nation.